W-DR425 Discover Watercolor Pencils With Melissa Miller Nece (Jan 25-26)

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Saturday January 25

10:00 AM  –  5:00 PM


W-DR425 Discover Watercolor Pencils With Melissa Miller Nece

Saturday & Sunday

Time: 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Tuition: $200 

All Levels Welcome!

This workshop meets on Saturday and Sunday. Water soluble colored pencils combine the precision and control of pencil drawing with the fluid possibilities of watercolor paint. They’re especially useful for travelers and plein air artists, great for sketchbooks and journals. Come explore the many ways these versatile drawing tools can be used - wet or dry, alone or for mixed media. Derwent, leading makers and innovators in this fine art medium, will provide all the pencils for use in this class. (And you’ll get to keep some too!) Ages 17 and up.

