W-DR500 Zentangle: Relax, Draw, Explore Patterns with Trish Pellier (FEB 21, 2025)
W-DR500 Zentangle: Relax, Draw, Explore Patterns with Trish Pelletier
Tuition $100
Material Fee: $15
Levels: All Levels Welcome!
In this workshop, we use Zentangle® and other art methods. In a "No Mistakes" environment, we relax and focus on the art principle of Pattern (repeating elements in our compositions). For the beginner, this builds self-confidence, strengthens muscle-memory, and helps nurture individual style. For the non-beginner, this offers help for artist's block and a "time-out" from the stress that often accompanies creativity. For everyone, it adds a new "palette" to be explored, employed, and enjoyed. Age 17 and up. Instructor will provide all supplies.